Fireside Story Sessions
So the news of Drew deciding to leave Emblem3 came just a couple days before their tour started. I understand that Drew was some people's favorite in the group, which is why I have seen a few people talking about getting their tickets refunded. Honestly, if Drew was the only person you bought the tickets for, then you were never an Emblem3 fan at all. I know it's going to be weird and different and take some time to get used to, but I think we need to give Wes and Keaton a chance because they are heartbroken by this news just as much as we are. Think of how weird it must be for them to start their tour without Drew when just last week they thought it was all 3 of them. Drew will be doing his own thing, and his announcement is this Friday. Who knows, he could be announcing a tour coming up too. Either way, I have watched Emblem3 since the days of Vincent Thomas, and I'm supporting all 3 of them in this decision. If you want to get your tickets refunded, that's awesome for you, but I think we all need to keep our minds open to this and give the Strombros a chance. It's going to be weird for a while, but only time can properly heal a wound. I have hopes that this is a way all 3 of them can do their thing and find their true sound, and that somewhere down the road they will come back to each other, mash their sounds and come out with an amazing album that will blow us all away. Wishful thinking, but I think we need to stay positive in all of this. Stay with the band, leave the band, do what you gotta do. Just don't send negative things to the boys as they're trying to adjust to this change just as we are.