Wednesday, June 18, 2014

First Post!


The purpose of this blog is to have a site to follow all of the drama that is happening within and throughout fandoms. It can get crazy and there can be a lot, so let me know if there is something I haven't covered. I'm usually pretty good at knowing what is happening in different fandoms, but as a result I am not able to know every single fandom that there is. Some fandoms have enough drama to write a novel trilogy about and still not be done. If there is a fandom you would like to see included or feel like there is drama that I am not covering, let me know! I am on Twitter, Facebook and you can email me at anytime at my gmail account! All with the same name of Fandramatic! Hopefully this will make the drama easier for everyone to follow and I will do my best to keep it up to date and to research throughout all of the fandoms!


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