Friday, July 18, 2014

Payzer vs Sophiam

Payzer vs Sophiam
Ok, this is something that should have been done a while ago. The Payzer vs Sophiam drama. I understand, just about everyone loved Liam Payne with Danielle Peazer, aka Payzer. And yes, everyone was heartbroken when they broke up the last time. But Liam is dating Sophia now, aka Sophiam, so this whole "I miss Payzer" crap needs to stop. Now. Number one, I'm sure it can't be great for Danielle to read comments every day about her ex boyfriend. Whether they're civil towards each other or not, I know I would be annoyed as hell. I can only imagine how she feels seeing Payzer in the comments of every single thing she does. I wouldn't blame her if she just refused to read any of the comments after she posted an Instagram picture or tweeted. 

Number 2, how do you think Sophia feels seeing comments from her boyfriend's fans saying they want Payzer back? Whether you like Sophia or not, which honestly you have no excuse to not like her because you don't even really know her, the fact is that she is who makes Liam happy now. And yes, they are an amazingly hot couple. I mean, just look at them: 

Point is, Payzer is over. Obviously they have all got on with their lives just fine, I'm sure we all can too. Maybe one day they'll get back together, but until then, let's just let Liam be happy with Sophia and stop comparing their relationship to the relationship that Danielle and Liam had before. I'm sure you wouldn't want everyone telling whoever you're dating or currently in love with to get back with their ex. And seriously, Stop. Commenting. Payzer. On. Every. Single. Post. I've said my piece. 

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