Friday, July 25, 2014



I feel like this is something that just needs to be said. No hate, no shade, just repeating what I have been hearing. I myself am not in the Fifth Harmony fandom, aka a Harmonizer. I am in other fandoms. Too many fandoms....Wayy too many fandoms. Which means I hear what every other fandom is talking about. And one thing I have heard repeatedly is that Harmonizers are the meanest fandom. 

No. Don't be happy about this Harmonizers. Don't take this as a win. It is not a good thing to be considered the meanest fandom. You're basically the bully here. And no one likes a bully. I don't know why most Harmonizers feel the need to be mean to everyone. It's not funny. It's not cute. It's bullying. And to you Harmonizers who are actually nice, here's a gold star.

Good job for not being a bully. Proud of you. For the rest of you, if you feel the need to be mean to those in other fandoms, then maybe you need to reevaluate what you are doing. Just think of how much more fun it would be to get along with other fandoms instead of constantly hating on them. That has to be exhausting. And no, I am not referring to every Harmonizer again, I know there are the ones out there who don't give your fandom a bad name. The point is, for the rest of you, you're giving the fandom a bad name, which will reflect on your idols, and I know you don't like when people think negatively about your girls, so why should everyone have to think negatively of you? Be nice!

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