Thursday, July 31, 2014

Orlando Bloom vs Justin Bieber

Orlando Bloom vs Justin Bieber

It's been one day and I'm already completely annoyed with this. I know, Justin hasn't exactly been getting on everyone's good side lately with all of the crap he is pulling (he is 20 years old so shut up about it), but the fact that everyone is praising a grown ass man for trying to punch a 20 year old kid? Are you effing kidding me? What is so great about that? Nothing. Absolutely. Nothing. Especially when everyone would be freaking out if things were reversed and Justin swung at Orlando. I don't know what happened to cause the fight and neither do most of us. But seriously? Wayy to condone violence all of you celebrities out there tweeting Team Orlando. Everyone needs to shut up about this already. That includes Justin for stirring up more drama by posting those Insta photos. I didn't even really care until the internet made this a bigger deal than it actually is. Don't praise Orlando if you would shame Justin. Seriously everyone just shut up about it already and let them figure out their own problems. Bye.

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